©John Lund/Blend Images/Getty Images; (insets) Getty Images
return...©John Lund/Blend Images/Getty Images; (insets) Getty Images
return...©D. Barton/Shutterstock; (bg) ©Elena Schweitzer/Shutterstock; (tr) ©Roger Davies
return...©Diverse Images/Getty Images
return...©Cultura Creative/Alamy Images
return...©GYRO PHOTOGRAPHY/Alamy Images
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...Port-au-Prince (pôrt´ ō-prĭns´): the capital of Haiti.
return...The Mets: a professional baseball team in New York City.
return...Bébé (bə-bā´): French word that means “baby.”
return...(t) ©Bettmann/Corbis; (b) ©Corbis; (c) ©aldorado/Shutterstock
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(c) ©Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; (tr) ©Der Yang
return...©PhotoLink/Photodisc/Getty Images
return...In American history . . . in America’s eyes: When the United States’ war with Vietnam spread to neighboring Laos, Laotian Hmong people fought with the United States. After the war, Hmong people had to flee from the governments of Vietnam and Laos. These governments saw them as enemies.
return...©Photodisc/Getty Images
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...©The Working Group
return...©The Working Group
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...Grand Coulee Dam: a dam built across the Columbia River in the 1930s to provide hydroelectric power and irrigation.
return...(tl) ©Christopher Felver/Corbis; (cr) ©Andrey Burmakin/Shutterstock
return...reactors of Hanford: a series of abandoned nuclear reactors along the Columbia River.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...©Andreas Gradin/Shutterstock
return...©Andreas Gradin/Shutterstock
return...(tr) ©Bettmann/Corbis; 89 (cl) ©Alvor/Shutterstock; (cr) ©vadim nardin/Shutterstock; (c) ©vadim nardin/Shutterstock
return...dissimulation (dĭ-sĭm´yə-lā´shǝn): a hiding of one’s true feelings.
return...sagacity (sə-găs´ ĭ-tē): sound judgment.
return...death watches: deathwatch beetles—insects that make a tapping sound with their heads.
return...hellish tattoo: awful drumming.
return...(tl) ©Jinx Photography RF/Alamy Images; (tl) ©Richard Laschon/Shutterstock
return...scantlings: small wooden beams supporting the floor.
return...suavity (swä´vĭ-tē): graceful politeness.
return...gesticulations (jĕ-stĭk´yə-lā´shǝns): energetic gestures of the hands or arms.
return...dissemble: pretend.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...99 ©Danomyte/Shutterstock
return...(b) ©Sunrise Illustration/Shutterstock; (b) ©Nicemonkey/Shutterstock
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(tr) ©Bettmann/Corbis; 105 (c) ©andreiuc88/Shutterstock
return...bog: a swamp.
return...torrent (tôr´ənt): a swift-flowing stream.
return...let: rented.
return...rubicund (ro͞o´bĭ-kǝnd) of visage (vĭz´ĭj): with a ruddy complexion.
return...doughty (dou´tē): brave.
return...Arabian Nights: a famous collection of Asian stories.
return...talisman (tăl´ĭs-mǝn): an object thought to have magical powers.
return...antimacassar (ăn´tĭ-mə-kăs´ər): a cloth placed over an arm or the back of a chair.
return...simian (sĭm´ē-ən): monkey- or ape-like.
return...sideboard: a piece of furniture used to store linens and dishes.
return...virtues: powers.
return...frivolous (frĭv´ə-lǝs): inappropriately silly.
return...avaricious (ăv´ə-rĭsh´ǝs): greedy.
return...©Corbis RF
return...fusillade (fyo͞o´sə-läd´): discharge from many guns; a rapid outburst.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...©Lewisworks Studio
return...©Lewisworks Studio
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...Frankenstein’s monster, Dracula, and the wolfman: legendary monsters. “Frankenstein’s monster” is the creature created by Dr. Victor Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s novel; “Dracula” is the vampire in Bram Stoker’s novel; in folklore, the wolfman is a man who can become a wolf.
return...(tr) ©Lightspring/Shutterstock; (c) ©Mario7/Shutterstock
return...Salem’s Lot: a horror fiction novel written by Stephen A. King.
return...Todorov 25: the author is following MLA style to cite her source for the information just stated: page 25 of a work by an author named Todorov.
return...(tr) ©Bettmann/ CORBIS; 127 (tl) ©Bettmann/Corbis; 127 (tc) Bettmann/ Corbis
return...Dr. Jekyll . . . and . . . Mr. Hyde: the good and evil sides of the same character in a novella by Robert Louis Stevenson.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(c) ©Corbis; (bg) ©Antonio Abrignani/Shutterstock
return...(c) ©Corbis; (bg) ©Antonio Abrignani/Shutterstock
return...depravity (dĭ-prăv´ĭ-tē): moral corruption.
return...(tr) ©Corbis; (c) ©aceshot1/Shutterstock
return...chattel (chăt´l): a property or slave.
return...precepts (prē´sĕpts´): a rule or principal regarding action or conduct.
return...“The Columbian Orator”: a collection of political essays, poems, and dialogues that were used to teach reading and speaking at the beginning of the 19th century.
return...one of Sheridan’s mighty speeches on and behalf of Catholic emancipation: Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751–1816) was an Irish playwright and politician who made speeches about the rights of people who practiced the Roman Catholic religion in Britain and Ireland.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...©Jacob Harris/AP/Wide World Photos
return...quarter: the area in which enslaved people lived.
return...“Go down, Moses, ’way down to Egypt Land”: a line from an African American folk song.
return...borne: carried.
return...Fugitive Slave Law: a law by which enslaved people who escaped could be recovered by their owners.
return...Quaker: a member of a religious group called the Society of Friends.
return...©Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division, Washington, D.C.
return...Philadelphia Vigilance Committee: fundraising organization that helped people who escaped enslavement.
return...Middle Passage: sea route along which enslaved Africans were transported to the Americas.
return...©Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
return...Old John Brown: anti-slavery leader who was executed.
return...©All Canada Photos/Alamy Images
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...lunar (lo͞onǝr): of or relating to the moon.
return...(tr) ©Jean-Claude Amiel/Kipa/CORBIS; (cr) ©Stockbyte/Getty Images
return...benediction (bĕn´ ĭ-dĭk´shǝn): a blessing.
return...bindled: fastened or wrapped by encircling, as with a belt.
return...ramrod, minnieball, and flint: items used to fire a rifle.
return...taking our sulphur with cannons instead of with molasses: sulphur was an ingredient in gunpowder that was used to fire cannons; at that time sulphur was also used as a tonic or medical treatment. Molasses is a thick, brown syrup, used to mask the unpleasant taste of medicines.
return...lag by the wayside: fall behind.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(tr) ©Getty Images; (c) ©Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
return...Confederate States of America: the government formed by the 11 southern states that seceded from the United States.
return...cabinet: a government leader’s advisers.
return...Union Army: the land force of the military that fought for the northern states during the Civil War.
return...©Medford Historical Society Collection/Corbis
return...messiah: the savior or liberator.
return...more than 620,000 American lives: the number of deaths caused by the Civil War.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(cr) ©Jupiterimages/Getty Images; (r) ©inxti/Shutterstock; (br) ©CORBIS
return...rack: a mass of wind-driven clouds.
return...sought (sôt): searched for; tried to gain.
return...keel: the main part of a ship’s structure.
return...flung: suddenly put out.
return...tread (trĕd): footsteps.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(c) ©Cristian Zamfir/Shutterstock; (cr) ©JOAT/Shutterstock; (cr) ©Natalia D./Shutterstock
return...nostalgia (nŏ-stăl´jə): bittersweet longing for things from the past.
return...futile (fyo͞ot´l): having no useful result.
return...American dream: the belief that through hard work one will achieve a comfortable and prosperous life.
return...chary (châr´ē): sparing or stingy.
return...Furies: In Greek and Roman mythology, the Furies were three goddesses of vengeance, or revenge.
return...a grotesque caricature (grō-tĕsk´ kăr´ ĭ-kǝ-cho͝or´): a bizarre and absurdly exaggerated representation of something.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...©Hadi Djunaedi/Shutterstock
return...neuroscientists: people who study the brain and nervous system.
return...©Hadi Djunaedi/Shutterstock
return...British common law: the laws of England.
return...Vietnam: a country in Southeast Asia where the United States fought a war in the 1960s and 1970s.
return...Supreme Court in Oregon v. Mitchell: In this case, the Supreme Court decided that the U.S. Congress could set qualification rules for national elections.
return...©Hadi Djunaedi/Shutterstock
return...©Victor Correia/Shutterstock
return...worth his or her salt: good at his or her job.
return...©Hadi Djunaedi/Shutterstock
return...Jeffrey Arnett: a doctor who studies emerging adulthood.
return...©Hadi Djunaedi/Shutterstock
return...©Hadi Djunaedi/Shutterstock
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...©Krivosheev Vitaly/Shutterstock
return...Gallup Poll: a survey done by the Gallup company to measure people’s opinions.
return...AAA: the American Automobile Association, an organization that provides benefits and information to drivers.
return...©Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(t),(c) ©Stephanie Ramirez; (b) ©Jacqui Lindo/Pacific Gas and Electric Company
return...©Stephanie Ramirez
return...©Jacqui Lindo/Pacific Gas and Electric Company
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...©Tim De Waele/Corbis
return...©Tim De Waele/Corbis
return...(tr) ©Alex Kalmbach/Shutterstock; (t) ©Rasmus Holmboe Dahl/Shutterstock; (br) © Bettmann/CORBIS
return...yellow stars: the six-pointed Stars of David that the Nazis ordered all Jews to wear for identification.
return...Green Police: the Nazi police who wore green uniforms.
return...ration books: books of stamps or coupons issued by the government in wartime. With these coupons, people could purchase scarce items, such as food, clothing, and gasoline.
return...black market: a system for selling goods illegally, in violation of rationing and other restrictions.
return...w.c.: water closet; toilet.
return...liefje (lēf´yə) Dutch: little darling.
return...Mouschi (mo͞oshē)
return...Jopie de Waal (yō´pē dǝ väl´)
return...Annele/Anneke: a nickname for Anne.
return...©Daily Mail/Rex/Alamy Images
return...Mazeltov! (mä´zǝl tôf´)Hebrew: Congratulations!
return...©Time Life Pictures/Getty Images
return...Mauthausen (mout´hou´zǝn): a Nazi concentration camp in Austria.
return...©Rex/Daily Mail/Alamy Images
return...Sie verlangt nach Dir (zē fer-längt´näKH dîr) German: She is asking for you.
return...Liebe, schau (lē´bǝ shou´) German: Dear, look.
return...Es macht . . .(čs mäkht´ nĬKHts´! ĬKH dängk´ə dām lē´bǝn hĕr´gôt´, däs Zē ZĭKH´ VāN´ĭKHshtǝnz än dĭKH´ vĕn´dǝt, vĕn Zē trôst´ brouKHt´! gā hĭn-īn´, ôt´tô; zē ĭst gänts hüstĕr´ĭsh fôr ängst´) German: It's all right. I thank dear God that at least she turns to you when she needs comfort. Go in, Otto; she is hysterical with fear.
return...Geh zu ihr (gā´ ts◊ îr´) German: Go to her.
return...Hanukkah (hä´nə-kə): a Jewish holiday, celebrated in December and lasting eight days.
return...Menorah (mə-nôr´ə): a candleholder with nine branches, used in the celebration of Hanukkah.
return...St. Nicholas’s Day: December 6, the day that Christian children in the Netherlands receive gifts.
return...latkes (lät´kǝz): potato pancakes.
return...©Time Life Pictures/Getty Images
return...Gestapo (gə-stä´pō): the Nazi secret police force, known for its terrorism and brutality.
return...guilders (gĭl´dǝrz): the basic monetary unit of the Netherlands at the time.
return...©John Springer Collection/Corbis
return...Toscanini (tŏs´-kə-nē´nē): Arturo Toscanini, a famous Italian orchestral conductor.
return...Ride of the Valkyries (văl-kîr´əz): a moving passage from an opera by Richard Wagner, a German composer.
return...to run the gauntlet: to endure a series of troubles or difficulties.
return...Komme schnell! (kôm´e shnĕl´)
German: Come quickly!
Was ist los? Was ist passiert? (väs ĭst lôs´?
väs ĭst päsērt´?) German: What's the matter? What has happened?
Er stiehlt das Essen! (ĕr shtēlt´ däs ĕs´ən) German: He is stealing food!
return...©Mondadori/Getty Images
return...Schnapps! (shnäps) German: Brandy!
L’chaim! (lǝ khä´yĭm) Hebrew: To life!
Orthodox: Orthodox Jews who strictly observe Jewish laws and traditions.
return...Auf machen! . . . Schnell! (ouf´ mäZKH´ən! dä drĭn´ən! ouf´ mäKH´ən! shnĕl! shnĕl! shnĕl!) German: Open up! Inside there! Open up! Quick! Quick! Quick!
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...Gies (gēs) & Co.: the name of Mr. Frank’s company in Amsterdam.
return...(cl) Anne Frank Fonds - Basel/Anne Frank House - Amsterdam/Getty Images; (bg) ©ADE JOHNSON/EPA/Corbis; (tr) ©Anne Frank Fonds Basel/dpa/Corbis
return...Allies: the group of countries that fought against Hitler and Germany.
return...venomous (vĕn´ ə-mǝs): spiteful or bitter.
return...golden mean: the middle between two extremes.
return...©ADE JOHNSON/EPA/Corbis
return...Aachen (ä´kǝn): a city in Germany.
return...cremated (krē´ māt´ ǝd): burned to ashes.
return...prewar quality: the better standard of goods before the war when there were no shortages of materials.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(c) ©Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock; (tr) ©Paul Hawthorne/AP Images; (bg) ©gregor/Shutterstock
return...Bergen-Belsen: the Nazi concentration camp where Anne Frank was sent.
return...Nazi genocide: the systematic killing of Jews by the Nazis.
return...demographic (dĕm´ə-grăf´ ĭk): part of a population.
return...John Berryman: an American poet and scholar.
return...Philip Roth: an award-winning American novelist known for his depictions of American Jewish life.
return...barbarity (bär-băr´ĭ-tē): savage cruelty or brutality.
return...transcended (trăn-sĕnd´əd): surpassed or went beyond the limits.
return...unbosoming (ŭn-bo͝oz´əm-ing): revealing one’s personal thoughts.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(c) ©Jose Garza/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; (tr) ©Sophie Bassouls/Sygma/Corbis
return...A7713: the identification number tattooed on Wiesel at Auschwitz.
return...malediction (măl´ ĭ–dĭk´shǝn): curse.
return...©Jonathan Noden-Wilkinson/Shutterstock
return...Yitgadal veyitkadash, Shmay Rabba: the words that begin a Jewish prayer for the dead.
return...blasphemy (blăs´ fə-mē): a disrepect for religion.
return...watershed: a place that marks a change of course or direction.
return...Birkenau: the sub-camp at Auschwitz where prisoners were killed.
return...mutation (myo͞o-ta´ shǝn): change.
return...Holy Land: the ancient kingdom of Israel.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(cr) ©Mushakesa/Shutterstock; (bg) ©LiluDallas/Shutterstock; (tl) ©Czarek Sokolowski/AP/Corbis;
return...prevailed: was common or frequent.
return...hairsbreadth: a tiny space.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...©Debra Hughes/Shutterstock
return...©Debra Hughes/Shutterstock
return...(cr) ©PoodlesRock/Corbis; (c) ©Rikard Stadler/Shutterstock; (tl) ©A.F. Bradley, New York/New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection/Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division; c) ©RLN/Shutterstock
return...gait: a rhythmical way of walking.
return...starboard: the right side of a boat or ship.
return...Big Missouri: the name of a riverboat.
return...up a stump: an expression that means someone has a big problem.
return...druther: rather.
return...fagged out: tired.
return...jew’s-harp: a musical instrument that is held between the teeth and plucked to produce a sound.
return...glass stopper of a decanter: the glass top of a special kind of bottle.
return...obliged: forced.
return...rolling ten-pins: bowling.
return...wended: proceeded or traveled.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...Gandhi (gän´dē): a 1982 film biography of Mohandas Gandhi (1869–1948), an Indian spiritual and political leader who, through nonviolent struggle, forced England to grant India’s independence.
return...Mexican revolution (1910–1920): an armed conflict during which revolutionaries overthrew Mexico’s longtime dictator and reformed the government.
return...(c) ©Yiorgos GR/Shutterstock; (tl) ©ASSOCIATED PRESS/AP Images; (br) ©Getty Images
return...Ay, Dios (ī dē-ōs´) Spanish: “Oh, God.”
return...madras (măd´rǝs): cotton cloth, usually with a plaid pattern.
return...©Ellen Isaacs/Alamy Images
return...Nehru (nā´ro͞o) shirt: an Indian-style shirt with a stand-up collar.
return...Okies (ō´kēz): people from Oklahoma and other midwestern states who moved to California to find work during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
return...Tejanos (tā-hä´nōs): Texans of Mexican ancestry.
return...clods: hardened clumps of soil.
return...irrigation canal: a ditch that brings water to crops.
return...(t) ©Cyrille Gibot/Alamy Images; (inset) ©Getty Images
return...de nada (dǝ nä´də) Spanish: “You’re welcome—it’s nothing.”
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...gimp: a narrow, flat braid used to make crafts such as a key chain.
return...(tr) ©Fuse/Getty Images; (cr) ©Moodboard/Getty Images; (br) ©zhang bo/Getty Images; (bcl) ©mangostock/Shutterstock; (tcl) ©Peter Dazeley/Getty Images; (tcr) ©Lisa F. Young/Shutterstock; (bg) ©Digital Vision/Getty Images;(r) ©atribut/Shutterstock
return...double down: to increase one’s bet to two times.
return...doldrums: stagnations or slumps.
return...life expectancy: the number of years that an individual is expected to live.
return...vocational school: a school that teaches trades, such as plumbing or graphic design.
return...private sector: the privately owned part of the economy that is not funded by the government.
return...work ethic: the belief in the value of work.
return...legislators: lawmakers.
return...discretionary money: money to be spent on things you want but do not need.
return...ascension: rise.
return...engender: produce or create.
return...employment stimulus: funds, special programs, or other incentives provided by the government to generate new jobs or to encourage employers to hire more workers.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...(tl) ©Corbis; (tc) ©Everett Collection Inc/Shutterstock; (tr) ©Imageman/Shutterstock; (cr) ©Bettmann/Corbis; (br) ©Tim Wright/Corbis
return...wanton: without limitation.
return...anaesthetized: made to feel numb or without feeling.
return...dictum: saying or motto.
return...©Everett Collection Inc./Shutterstock
return...leg-o’-mutton or raglan: types ofsleeves. A leg-of-mutton sleeve is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. A raglan sleeve is cut so that it continues up to the collar.
return...piecework: work paid for according to the amount done, not the time it takes.
return...Your teacher will assign this task to you. To prepare for this assignment, reread the appropriate texts in this book and do outside research. Collect and organize the text evidence you find by saving it to your notebook.
return...Image credits: © Andreas Gradin/Shutterstock
return...Image credits: © John Lund/Blend Images/Getty Images
return...Image credits: © Corbis; (bg) © Antonio Abrignani/Shutterstock
return...Image credits: © jumpingsack/Shutterstock
return...Image credits: © Tim De Waele/Corbis
return...Image credits: © Debra Hughes/Shutterstock
return...Image credits: (t) ©Orla/Shutterstock; (c)©Mishchenko Mikhall/Shutterstock; (b)©Dougal Waters/Getty Images
return...Image credits: (t) ©JupiterImages/Bananastock/Alamy; (c) ©Tan Kian Khoon/Shutterstock; (b) ©ollyy/Shutterstock
return...Image credits: (t) ©Bo Valentino/Shutterstock, (c) © Getty Images RF, (b) ©Corbis
return...Image credits: (t) ©Florian ISPAS/Shutterstock, (c) ©Alna Jameela/Shutterstock, (b) Jupiterimages/Getty Images
return...Image credits: ©Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Getty Images
return...w.c.: water closet; toilet.
return...Image Credits: AP Photo/Peter Dejong
return...liefje (lēf’yə): Dutch: little darling.
return...Mouschi (mōō’shē).
return...Jopie de Waal (yō’pē də väl’).
return...Annele/Anneke: a nickname for Anne.
return...Koran: the sacred book of Islam that contains the revelations of God to Mohammad.
return...Buddha: (563? – 483? B.C.), the founder of the religion of Buddhism.
return...dominion: country; territory.
return...Image Credits: ©AP Photo/Lennox McLendon; ©Pavel Ilyukhin/Shutterstock
return...Image Credits: ©Bill Cigliano; ©FotograFFF/Shutterstock
return...Image Credits: ©Sophie Bassouls/Sygma/Corbis;© Werner Forman/Universal Images Group/Getty Images
return...Image Credits: ©donatas1205/Shutterstock; ©Bill Cigliano; ©Bill Cigliano
return...sit-ins: organized protest demonstrations in which participants seat themselves in appropriate places and refuse to move; the act of occupying the seats or an area of a segregated establishment to protest racial discimination.
return...Picasso: Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), Spanish artist whose work is some of the most influential in modern art.
return...buckskin: leather made from deerskin.
return...yoke: a piece that supports the gathered parts of a garment.
return...Image Credits: ©Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; ©Everett Collection, Inc.; ©Norma Cornes/Shutterstock
return...aspect: facial expression or appearance.
return...Image Credits: ©Norma Cornes/Shutterstock
return...ululation: howling or wailing.
return...eidolon: phantom; image.
return...carrion: decaying flesh.
return...nepenthe: a drug mentioned in the Odyssey as a remedy for grief.
return...Nephren-Ka: one of Lovecraft’s mythical creations.
return...Hadoth: one of Lovecraft’s creations; a sealed valley by the Nile amid the hills of Neb that holds the catacombs of Nephren-Ka.
return...Image Credits: ©Norma Cornes/Shutterstock
return...Image Credits: ©Angela Waye/Shutterstock
return...Nitokris: perhaps the last pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty; she is used mythically in two of Lovecraft’s stories.
return...Image Credits: ©YorkBerlin/Shutterstock
return...Image Credits: ©Im Perfect Lazybones/Shutterstock
return...Prague: the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic.
return...cadaver: a dead human body.
return...exhume: to dig out from the ground.
return...electrode: a conductor used to establish electrical contact with a non-metallic surface.
return...Image Credits: ©Im Perfect Lazybones/Shutterstock
return...Image Credits: ©HMH Publishing/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, ©Corbis
return...Reconstruction era: the period after the American Civil War when the Southern states were under the federal government’s control.
return...Jim Crow laws: the practice of separating African Americans from whites in the South during and after Reconstruction.
return...battery: set of heavy guns.
return...caissons: ammunition wagons.
return...Image Credits: ©Kean Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images; ©The Washington Post/Getty Images
return...conflagration: huge fire.
return...imprecation: curse.
return...ruck: mass, crowd.
return...The blood of the Mays is up!: The temper that Alcott has inherited from her ancestors (the Mays) is aroused.
return...Image Credits: ©Corbis
return...bide my time: wait around.
return...Spartan: strong and self-disciplined.
return...Image Credits: ©Corbis
return...repining: fretting, being discontented.
return...abuela (ä bwe' lə): Spanish for “Grandmother.”
return...Image Credits: ©Candace Hartley/Shutterstock
return...cabrito (kä brē' tô) Spanish for the “meat of a young goat, or kid.”
return...Image Credits: ©Candace Hartley/Shutterstock
return...Image Credits: ©Candace Hartley/Shutterstock
return...Image Credits: ©ollyy/Shutterstock
return...Image Credits: ©Pixoi Ltd/Alamy
return...Image Credits: ©Corbis
return...Image Credits: ©Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.
return...Image Credits: © Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.
return...Image Credits: ©Maria Pavlova/Vetta/Getty Images
return...Image Credits: ©catwalker/Shutterstock; ©Photos 12/Alamy
return...carillon: a set of bells, commonly found in church bell towers.
return...yellow stars: the six-pointed Stars of David that the Nazis ordered all Jews to wear for identification.
return...plus fours: pants that end just below the knee.
return...Green Police: the Nazi police who wore green uniforms.
return...ration books: books of stamps or coupons issued by the government in wartime. With these coupons, people could purchase scarce items, such as food, clothing, and gasoline.
return...black market: a system for selling goods illegally, in violation of rationing and other restrictions.